304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM



A Critique Of Modern Architecture

If I asked you what a futuristic building looked like, what would come to mind? Glass, steel, and concrete. All are materials that have come to be so associated with the concepts future and modernity they can hardly be differentiated…

Technocracy: Stakeholder Electorates

One of my single most shared articles has been Balancing Tyranny In DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations). In it, I detailed some of the shortcomings and other issues in networked societies, the most prominent among them being the revolving door stakeholder.…

Exploring Technocracy: Preface

While many have claimed to fix politics, very few even came close. Centuries have come and gone with their empires and ideals. Despite the many attempts to reform and improve the political landscape, the issues at hand remain largely unchanged.…


PixlFlip (PF): Hello ChatGPT. I thought we could have a little chat about the near future and what it may look like with AI. ChatGPT (GPT): Hello! Sure, that sounds like an interesting topic. It’s difficult to predict the exact…

1000 (Why I Write)

Almost exactly one year ago today, I started a journey. As I pressed the publish button for the first time I was entering the foray of ideas and concepts that millions of others before have covered, and many more after…

Why Voice Assistants Failed and Personal AI

Few things in technology were as captivating in the 2010s as the concept of a voice assistant. Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and many more were marketed as technological breakthroughs that would give users abilities straight out of science fiction. They promised…

Thoughts On AI Assisted Writing

Writing is a truly revolutionary advent in the course of human progression. The use of writing to record thought and provoke ideas and discovery spans the centuries of civilization. It allows for the free exchange and recording of ideas, allowing…


The last fifty years have seen unprecedented gains made in the field of computation under what many would know to be Moore’s Law. This law in it’s simplest explanation is that every two years will yield double the amount of…

Narrow AI Predictions

Advancements in narrow AI are taking place nearly every week the year of this writing. That trend as with anything in the industry is going to continue increasing exponentially as we refine existing technology and create new ones. So then…