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Exploring Technocracy: Preface

While many have claimed to fix politics, very few even came close. Centuries have come and gone with their empires and ideals. Despite the many attempts to reform and improve the political landscape, the issues at hand remain largely unchanged. Corruption, inequality, and moral decay continue to plague governments around the world. It is clear that simply implementing new systems or electing the same leaders is not enough to address these longstanding issues. To truly reform and reverse the decay we see will need more. It will take a multifaceted approach that involves both systemic changes and individual actions, and some radical new ideas.

Many people find themselves today in countries that are repeating history. Inflation that only taxes the working class. Scandals from politicians that care not for the country nor the people they claim to represent. Lies of taxing the wealthy while continuing to burden all others with the shackles of debt. Fear and alarm echoed through every channel of state media that does nothing but leave the public despondent and hopeless about their future. Constant pandering and pilfering by people who see the nation they reside in as nothing but a sinking ship to be looted and left.

Fixing political systems has been a problem prominent in my mind for a long time. With the current order and systems of governance collapsing globally many have begun to ponder this as well. Unfortunately for the simple-minded, I foresee the rise of autocracy, be it communism, socialism, republicanism, or fascism. Such a thing cannot be averted and in fact, many people I doubt would even want it to be. The world has cried out far too long for order, and sooner or later every society will heed that call. Proof enough of this observation would be the nationalist movements that have gained widespread traction in 2022. While I won’t name them such parties and movements have spawned in virtually every western nation. The reason for this is painfully simple: democracy has failed in many people’s lives. It has failed to increase wages or lower housing costs, or even provide reasonable public services. In some nations, the governments have failed to even keep roads and critical infrastructure in good repair. Even the most naive among us know that their nations are worse off now than at any other point in their lives.

What you may ask is my reasoning for such sentiments? Globalism, and how many citizens of countless nations have been hurt by it. Make no mistake, for the conflict, crime, and wage stagnation that migrants and outsourcing economies have created there will be backlash. What we have seen now is nothing compared to what is to come. Namely, globalism only worked when nations were safe and economically stable. Both of these things no longer exist. In the case of economic stability, next year will begin a calamity not seen since the Great Depression. All of those variables add up, and to what? To conflict. To civil unrest. To outright war. We are very close to the point where people have nothing left to lose. Their politicians don’t listen to them or outright are working against their interests. In fact, more recently the politicians pin the blame on their citizenry! Any cry against the path of destruction nations are facing is deemed racist, bigoted, conspiratorial, and treacherous. To my esteemed reader I’m sure there is no more obvious conclusion: Now that not even the facade of accommodating the other side exists, conflict will assuredly follow.

However, I do not believe all is lost. Quite the contrary. By embracing the light of progress we can change all of the decay we face. Thanks to that progress we have reached a new threshold in the scope of technology; a progression in human civilization unlike any before it. What I propose is something new. Something so radical it has never before been tested even to this day. I propose the combination of the best traits of all socioeconomic systems, the new and untapped potential of technology, the revival of culture, and the classic philosophies of centuries long gone. I propose to you Technocracy.

An outline for the basis of our new form of governance is as follows:

  1. Exalt, uplift, and reward excellence and merit from the ground up in society: In this system, individuals would be selected for participation in the decision-making process based on their excellence and merit, regardless of their other characteristics.
  2. Use technology to facilitate governmental processes: In this system, the goal will be wielding technology as a blade to minimize and automate governmental structures. Examples are technology to facilitate voting and representation, to automate paperwork and records, and to free both the individual and the group alike from the shackles of slow and confounding regulation.
  3. Prioritize technological progress: A Technological Nationalistic society would prioritize technological progress and the use of technology to solve problems and improve society. This could involve investing in research and development, promoting the adoption of new technologies, and supporting the development of infrastructure and other technological systems with furor.
  4. Ensure accountability and transparency: As with any form of government, it’s important to ensure that decisions made in a TechNat society are fully accountable and transparent. Technology to create open access to government data, programmatic regulations agnostic and fair to all, and decentralized jury panels as the most basic of examples.

What I posit will be no small feat. However with sufficient reach, I do believe this could be the political ideology of the future, and I intend to do everything within my power to exalt it to claim that crown which it deserves. With that in mind, this is the beginning of a series of articles exploring the potential viability of this new socioeconomic paradigm. The goal of these writings will be to explore and refine the idea, to provide a resource on the topic, and to gather any public input I can. The articles will explore more general concepts and as such be easier to read. I hope you’ll share this series with people, with family and friends, and that you yourself may be convinced of its potential. Join me, and let’s explore what it would be like for you to be Meritocratic, Technological, and Nationalist. Welcome to Technocracy.