304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM




To preface, this is not an article related to Technocracy, though it most certainly could be considered political. The human mind has a brevity of recollection that often is a double edge sword. The imperative of perpetual knowledge assimilation, encompassing…


We were not the ones who plummeted from the pinnacle of magnificence. We were born here, within the abyssal gloom of this chasm. Conceived into this all encompassing darkness, our inheritance is the remnants of past splendor; The penumbra of…

Narrow AI Predictions: 2023 Update

Time truly seems to accelerate relative to the events that surround us. So much has transpired it feels like decades forced into months. Having been now a little over a year since my first article (which you can read here)…


The plight of someone who bears conviction is that they will be scorned by the world. If left simply to natural defenses one returns that scorn in kind. I find myself often sitting back and wondering how it all came…


Knowledge past a certain point is not what one knows but what one does not. The measure stretches out further and further rendering the finite a mere infinitesimal dot on an eternal plotline. Time then comes in as our companion.…


There are few subject materials so sensitive in the ignorant West than this one. It’s a matter that touches on many major fundamental questions about individuals and society alike. In a sense this one word has become the leader in…

Technocracy: Citizenship

There is in most modern Westerner’s minds a dissonance when it comes to the matter of citizenship and participation in the nation’s inner workings. The Western man will proudly state that he loves his country, while also saying citizenship and…

To Be Heard

As of late I’ve found writing difficult. However it is not merrily writer’s block that has been plaguing me. Rather, it is the inevitable juncture I have reached. It is the goal of a good writer to be heard, and…

The Shiny Hammer

Despite what the subject material of many articles I’ve written may indicate, I am not a worshiper of technology. I don’t regard anything as untouchable subject material and I strive to always keep my mind open. In more recent times…

Economics of Wealth

I write frequently on the topics of the future. I write of the tragedies of the past and how to avoid making the same mistakes, or rather how to rectify such mistakes going forward. Ultimately the many categories I write…