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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Tag future predictions

Narrow AI Predictions: 2023 Update

Time truly seems to accelerate relative to the events that surround us. So much has transpired it feels like decades forced into months. Having been now a little over a year since my first article (which you can read here)…


There are few subject materials so sensitive in the ignorant West than this one. It’s a matter that touches on many major fundamental questions about individuals and society alike. In a sense this one word has become the leader in…

Thoughts On AI Assisted Writing

Writing is a truly revolutionary advent in the course of human progression. The use of writing to record thought and provoke ideas and discovery spans the centuries of civilization. It allows for the free exchange and recording of ideas, allowing…


The last fifty years have seen unprecedented gains made in the field of computation under what many would know to be Moore’s Law. This law in it’s simplest explanation is that every two years will yield double the amount of…

Narrow AI Predictions

Advancements in narrow AI are taking place nearly every week the year of this writing. That trend as with anything in the industry is going to continue increasing exponentially as we refine existing technology and create new ones. So then…

The Patron Renaissance

A large portion of modern society has it’s roots in the Renaissance. It was the age in human history where, among other things, appreciation of reason and classical teaching was uplifted, the bold ideas and ideals of humanism took root,…

Energy and Efficacy

The subject of electrification is one rife with controversy. As the society of today fractures over the concept, the society of tomorrow suffers as a result. The two main camps are these: those who wish for all perceivably carbon based…

Social Credit and The West

When one thinks of a social credit system in many cases one word immediately comes to mind: China. While the Chinese government has certainly been making waves with its new system, it is not the only nation to have explored…