304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Category Uncategorized

Social Credit and The West

When one thinks of a social credit system in many cases one word immediately comes to mind: China. While the Chinese government has certainly been making waves with its new system, it is not the only nation to have explored…


When it comes to the topic of Artificial Intelligence in general there are many interesting opinions the general populous holds, as well as misconceptions. The biggest of these by far is the understanding of what Artificial General Intelligence will look…

In Defense of the Journey

We all tend to become focused on the future. Not just the vast technological wonders and horrors of the future. Not just the marvels and mishaps. We become focused on our future; the future of self. While few people can…

Algorithms and Relationships

People use the internet to transmit messages back and forth billions of times a day. In fact you yourself probably text friends and people you know dozens of times if not hundreds in a single day. What if however you…

Transparency and Future Governing

Government is truly one of the most universally hated objects in the scope of human consciousness. There is not a place on Earth that has not at one point in history or another had a change in regime. The premise…

Prelude to COVID-19 Postmortem

As the world is now beginning to (albeit slowly) come back to its senses from the rampant fear it has been bound by as a result of COVID-19 I feel it is finally an acceptable time to pen my thoughts…

Storage and Blockchain

We are nearing an important moment in the future of the internet. In its current form you are viewing this post on a website, downloading the content from my server after looking up the domain name. Back in the early…