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To preface, this is not an article related to Technocracy, though it most certainly could be considered political.

The human mind has a brevity of recollection that often is a double edge sword. The imperative of perpetual knowledge assimilation, encompassing both individual and global narratives, imposes itself as an onerous obligation borne by those who opt for its stewardship. It functions as an indispensable toll, exacted to navigate the journey ahead with vigilance against potential missteps. They that chose to abstain from this burden fall prey to the breaking wheel of history as it repeats the same cycle with a new victim. So then we once again find ourselves in such waters that, though they’ve been charted before, are new to the generation. Once again we sail blindly.

At no other time in history have we witnessed the quantity of work with which we have burdened those citizens in our countries. Neither in the American Western migration nor the Medieval Ages nor even in the hallowed halls of the ancient Sumerian Empire was so much expected of the population with regards to labor. I say expected, however that term barely pays service to the gravity of the issue. Combined with the word coercion and we arrive at a thought closer to the truth. Why coercion? Because that is precisely what it is. There is no choice in participation with the system. You can love it or loathe it. Fight it or deride it. It doesn’t matter. You cannot exist in society as it stands today in the majority of the West without some form of tie to the system. Supposing for a moment you had the practical knowledge and land to be fully self sufficient, you would still have to involve yourself in the system. Why? Failure to pay rent on the property you own in the form of the property tax would have the system eagerly consume you. Even reasoning you’re smart enough to invest, set up a trust, and have the trust keep your land and pay the taxes with interest you only have proven my point further. You’re setting up something within the system so the system doesn’t bother you. It’s an illusion of being disconnected. To emphasize the point: It is nearly impossible to exist outside the system in the West, and that is deliberate.

The coercion inherent in our participation in the prevailing societal framework raises the question of whether, in light of such compulsion, if compensation even partially alleviates potential disdain for the system. Paradoxically, this does not hold true; rather, the purchasing power of individuals in the Western world has consistently dwindled year after year. This decline is attributable not only to the insidious tax of inflation, but also to deliberate policies encompassing interest rates, remuneration structures, and regular taxes, all overtly imposed by the system itself. In such a system where one’s involvement is mandatory, the need for enticing wages diminishes, as individuals lack the liberty to abstain. The competition among businesses within the same guild becomes a mere exercise in marginal outperformance, devoid of any genuine incentive for attracting individuals who are already mandated to be part of the system. Moreover, the artificial incentive of the minimum wage, effectively designed to regulate labor costs, proves ineffectual, thereby leaving no economic impetus within a capitalist system that fundamentally relies on rigorous cost-benefit analyses. This underscores a systemic flaw, revealing a stark absence of incentives for meaningful economic participation. I’ll state that again: There exists in the current system NO COMPETITION WHATSOEVER to improve wages in a system that relies entirely on competition and incentives!

Who then is responsible for this mess we find our nations in? A question for a future writing, though the answer is in end of itself carries an intrinsic lack of consequence. We now live in the aftermath of such choices. Within our lifespan, we are observing the demise of a generation that experienced abundance juxtaposed with the emergence of one devoid of ownership. We bear witness to the rise of occupations characterized by meager pay, demanding an exorbitant toll on the vitality of individuals who function as mortal cogs within an insatiable machination. To new lifestyles being dictated not by choice but by virtue of an inescapable system that restricts avenues for progress. To a mindset of such utter hopelessness that those born into it simply accept fate unquestioning, enjoying what brief precious moments don’t belong to a company. Ladies and gentlemen, in our lifetimes, we bear witness to the resurgence of a bygone era, characterized by advanced technology yet reminiscent of feudalistic structures. We bear witness to the rise of Technofeudalism.

Initially, one might recoil at such a proclamation. The reflexive assumption that any critique of capitalism aligns with a wholesale endorsement of communism oversimplifies a nuanced discourse. That is, of course, a fallacy. This emerging phase in our societal narrative transcends the mere wrangling of governance ideologies; it is a narrative that can unfold within any system and, conceivably, become ubiquitous as nations intertwine their destinies through the pervasive force of globalism. Within this era, universally acknowledged as unsustainable by proletariat and bourgeois alike, the primary impetus is the unbridled consolidation of wealth before an imminent implosion of the system. An economy cannot grow forever. This fallacy of perpetual economic growth becomes apparent when burdened by those who seek profit without commitment as we now face. More audacious than they who profit acknowledging collapse are the self-proclaimed elites who erroneously believe in their ability to avert the impending catastrophe altogether. Their hubris is so great it extends to the exertion of increased control over the populace, suppressing dissent in public spheres, targeting the impoverished for punitive examples, and, most insidiously, wielding societal currency as a weapon through Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). They are driven not by a pragmatic strategy to avert the inevitable, but by the alluring mirage of profits and control in the face of impending calamity. Such power is intoxicating which blinds them to their folly.

All is not lost however. Bleak as the current picture may be, there are encouraging signs rising for those attuned to subtle shifts in the societal landscape. Fissures in the established power structures have become evident, and in recent months have been increasing. A perceptible transformation akin to the precursor gusts of an impending hurricane is discernible. The collective resistance across diverse political affiliations against radical notions such as the abolition of private property or the endorsement of communal living—a sentiment now so ingrained in political discourse that it has assumed a countercultural significance (the term “you will live in the pod and you will be happy” being one of many such examples). A growing disillusionment with pervasive misinformation disseminated through mainstream media has permeated society, transcending political leanings as it has become onerous to all. There is a palpable fatigue, with the imposition of ideologies and a growing intolerance towards ideals thrust upon individuals. Most disconcertingly for politicians and oligarchs, the greatest paradigm shift occurring is people are starting to ask probing questions. In the discontented murmurs of the populace, a convergence of minds begins. Questions like “Why strive for homeownership if it’s unattainable?” or “Why adhere to societal norms when justice is selective?” or even “If crime is not punished in my city, then why shouldn’t I be a criminal?” echo through the collective consciousness. Questions lead to answers, and many answers are common denominators for people. This is why there’s nothing more dangerous to a status quo than a good question. These questions, serving as common denominators, catalyze a transformation from apathy to anger, and from anger to action. In a system where individuals feel perennially disenfranchised, the realization that there is little left to lose becomes a catalyst for the very dissent the system sought to suppress. That’s when people speak up. That’s when people refuse to participate. That’s when people openly speak their minds knowing they may lose what meager possessions they have. That, is when unstoppable change is about to take place.

As we teeter on the precipice of this emerging technofeudal era, it is the growing number that have nothing to lose which are standing between us and inescapable autocracy masquerading as whatever government the nations presents the façade of. We stand at a point where things will inescapably worsen, though we may choose pain for hope or hope for pain. At this juncture, we must earnestly ponder whether we are resigned to persist in the futile pursuit of victory within the current unwinnable paradigm or if we shall instead dissent from the established order by rejecting it entirely. The contemporary serfdom that ensnares us is neither eternal nor immutable, and the ostensibly golden age of subjugative labor is not an irrevocable fate. Change, I emphasize, is an inevitable force. However, what we can control is our participation in a society. Namely, which society we choose to participate in. Many are returning to roots in smaller societies like communities or towns. People by nature are tribal. When a nation becomes no longer one people of one mind, the society breaks and the tribes get smaller. If I were to impart a singular piece of advice to the reader, it would be this: Seek out a community to which you belong. The prospect of effecting change within a system engineered to resist it is minimal. Redirect your energies toward your tribe. Minimize your interactions compelled by the constructs of oligarchs, and maximize your contributions within the sphere where you truly belong. The dividends reaped will be everything that the broader society denies you. The winds of change and the sands of time will eat away at the society above you. You then must only prepare to avoid the pieces as it falls.