304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Month December 2021

Is Creativity Dead?

After watching a movie recently I had an interesting thought: When does creativity end? We all have thought something uncreative before, so where is the line that all creativity and originality end? First off, we know that despite the occasional…

Preface to Blog

All opinions on this page are PixlFlip’s and may or may not represent the philosophies’ of the other projects under the PixlFlip brand. If you aren’t thick skinned or are a firm believer any absolutely anything it is recommended you…

Thoughts On Free Will

A short story with a question: You are walking home one day. The weather is cold and beginning to drizzle. You don’t want to get wet and are nearing your home. Then suddenly you have two choices. One is to…